Worship Volunteer Opportunities
We are musicians, singers, technical assistants, and just regular people inspired to give our best to God! Please consider joining our team:
- Altar Guild
- Usher
- Reader
- Choir
- Praise Band
- Technology Assistant
Caring For Our Church Family
We reach out to our members and extended church family in need and build a stronger and compassionate community by:
- Providing meals
- Bringing communion
- Providing transportation
- Visiting those who are homebound or in hospitals or nursing facilities
- Adding them to our prayer chain
- Sending cards of encouragement/caring including sympathy, get well, thank you and birthdays
Other Ways To Serve
There are numerous other ways you can lend a hand including:
- Sunday School teachers
- Setting up for events
- Bringing food for funerals and potlucks
- Sharing a skill or talent at the Women’s and Men’s groups
We are continually in need of new faces, just like yours, gifted and willing, to volunteer and share God’s love with others.

If you have a passion for helping others or are in need of help, please contact the church office
at (562) 944-1148 or office.standrewlutheranchurch@gmail.com.