We are:
People Of Prayer
We pray for those in need both locally and globally during our Sunday services, in our personal daily devotions, and through our prayer chains (through email and telephone).
Life-Long Learners
We offer Sunday morning education for all ages, weekly Bible studies, and monthly Wednesday Night Alive times of fellowship, food and study.
Faithful Witnesses
We have one service on Sunday mornings at 9:30 in the sanctuary which is also live streamed on our Facebook page. We open our campus for use by several community organizations, and are involved in a number of local outreach efforts.
World Servants For Christ
We generously support Lutheran World Relief, Disaster Relief efforts (earthquakes, floods, famines), Bread for the World hunger advocacy, the Interfaith Food Center, Habitat for Humanity, and a children's ministry in Lima, Peru, as well as two missionary families who are spreading God's Gospel in South Sudan and Bangladesh.